Web site creation

Many who approach us, first of all interested in the cost of the site. But an evaluation of the site is a very responsible process, and not so easy. Individual approach — our main principle. Therefore, we do not yet know how much it costs to build a web site for you or your company. For us, web site development is an elegant solution to the client business tasks, creating an optimal tool for daily work.

Types of the Web sites:

Only design or only programming

Normally, we make turnkey websites. We believe this is correct, as this approach allows quality control at all stages of development of the site. But sometimes the client needs only the design of the site. Programming and other work he was ready to take on or assign to the IT-department of the company. In this case, we can evaluate and perform the work only on web design.

It happens vice versa also: a client calls with a ready design, and on the basis of its requests create and fill the online site. If the site design is made to be good, we can to undertake such work, and by doing site layout, programming and integration of content management systems.

Responsive layout

At the moment, tremendous pace growing market of devices that give access to the Internet are gaining the popularity of mobile devices, whereby there is an increase of mobile Internet traffic. On this basis, in order to avoid the loss of a mobile audience in the very early stages of the design and structure of the site is necessary to think about how the future site will be displayed on mobile devices.

To view this site correctly, regardless of the type of device it was necessary to a completely new approach, and this approach is implemented through a responsive layout. Web sites created With this technology, more of such web sites created everyday.

We carry out this type of work on request.